Alessandra Gargano
Alessandra Gargano is 27 years old and live in Abruzzo, Italy. She is a law student and has been passionate about photography for years. She likes to observe people, what is reflected in their eyes and their simple gestures. Photographs have the incredible power to make her feel happy, excited, thoughtful, proud, grateful, peaceful and full of love. She notices the details that others may not know wherever she goes, like a smile on the face of a stranger.
Current Location
Teramo, Italia
Best Achievements & Exhibitions
Participated in two photographic projects, in Lisbon and in Marrakech, and won with one of her photographs.
Exhibited photographs at the University of Teramo and in the city of Roseto in an exhibition on gender equality.
Attended an exhibition on the villages of Abruzzo in the city of Pescina.
Award Winner Camera Lenses and Gears
Photo of the Day
Canon EOS 650D
Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-f/5.6 IS II